The Real Picard

Poker Blog for The Real Picard - nothing less, nothing more.

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Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States

Loving God & Loving People - the two MOST important things in my life, especially where my family is concerned. Third is helping people when they need it and fourth playing Texas Hold'em. Hey, it's just a card game, right?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Subspace Online Poker Tournament

Subspace Poker Players...

Some of you have asked me to set this up, so I've now got confirmation and have a private game set up at Full Tilt Poker! Are you game?

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008 at 7pm EST. Only $11 to play. It's a private tournament and you'll need to use the password: Ahhh, you'll need to visit Subspace Forums and learn more about Subspace! (Tournament Number #45417437).

You do have to deposit a minimum of $50 and can do so via an online check or using a credit card, and they pay you back via the same method or by mailing you a check at your preference.

I've already signed up for the tournament, you can do so in advance, so let's get it on! Squad Captains forward to your squads and other players of Subspace. The more who play, the more you can win. If any of you are 'in' to this, please share your support here, it'd be nice to know who we're playing against in advance. The more who play, the more successful, fun it'll be!

Good Luck! :)